Chosen Family Law Center

When the pandemic canceled the fundraiser for this LGBTQIA+ legal aid firm, Grey Horse took the party online, creating a virtual event and campaign that exceeded their fundraising goals.


The Chosen Family Law Center serves the LGBTQIA+ and poly communities with free and direct legal services, but their fundraiser was canceled because of the pandemic.


Be nimble. Grey Horse was able to take this fundraising event to an online platform.


Grey Horse developed an online crowdfunding strategy that culminated in a virtual event featuring speakers, entertainment, and interactive sessions. The online messaging linked Chosen Family Law Center’s work to country-wide narratives around racial justice and trans lives, elevating its visibility to the worldwide LGBTQIA+ community.


Event Production
Audience Engagement
Digital Strategy

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Chosen Family Law Center

When the pandemic canceled the fundraiser for this LGBTQIA+ legal aid firm, Grey Horse took the party online, creating a virtual event and campaign that exceeded their fundraising goals.