
A burgeoning sustainable travel start-up needed Grey Horse to share their story for partnerships and growth.


Goodwings, a sustainable travel start-up, needed publicity and thought leadership guidance in order to attract partnerships and attention.


Dedicated press outreach can help position a company in the right category.


Grey Horse’s communications strategy was unique with this company, prioritizing publicity and getting features from multiple publications, and planning a panel about carbon offsetting to expose Goodwings to thought leaders and influencers.


Public Relations

More  Case Studies

Plan C

In a post-Dobbs world, empowering a digital campaign to keep women informed about options for their reproductive rights.

Yes We Mustard

With Grey Horse’s influence, comedian and writer Ginny Hogan parlayed her fiction podcast debut, Yes We Mustard, into raising her profile amongst industry tastemakers.

Feminist Fight Club

New York Times gender editor Jessica Bennett threw a “feminist wedding” for her first book.

The New City

Grey Horse produced the first New City conference for the interdisciplinary futurist organization 2020 Visions, curating three days of thinkers, innovators, and creators for an audience of 500+ virtual attendees

TED Countdown

Convincing people who normally don’t care about climate change … to care

Guggenheim Gala: The Opposite of Hate

The best book launch … ever? Shonda Rhimes approves!