The Caesar’s Palace Coup

Creating the next financial “it” book.


Financial journalists Max Frumes and Sujeet Indap wanted to position their first book, a rollicking story about financial crimes in the wild west of Las Vegas, for a general interest audience as well as their built-in business audience.


Think outside of the box regarding potential audiences, and virtual events have broadened the potential audience of anything.


Grey Horse brought the authors to their audience, pitching reviews, interviews, and podcast appearances. The Events team scheduled a pandemic-era virtual speaking tour of MBA programs and conferences, and created bespoke events, creating a breakout hit.


Book Launch

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Protecting the environment, honoring the worst in greenwashing

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Charleston: Waste, Water, and the Coming Storm

Building a social media campaign for an academic author’s book exploring urgent public policy.

The Caesar’s Palace Coup

Creating the next financial “it” book.

Chosen Family Law Center

When the pandemic canceled the fundraiser for this LGBTQIA+ legal aid firm, Grey Horse took the party online, creating a virtual event and campaign that exceeded their fundraising goals.

Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment

Legendary author, lawyer, and cultural critic Linda Hirshman charged Grey Horse with promoting her book, the first history book about the #MeToo movement.