Plan C

In a post-Dobbs world, empowering a digital campaign to keep women informed about options for their reproductive rights.


A digital campaign informing users about reproductive rights options, Plan C was overwhelmed with interest and partnerships after Dobbs fell.


The most effective media campaign requires expert guidance.


Grey Horse identified the key messaging points for Plan C, so that they could reach the communities that needed it most – and then focused on triaging their press requests, and the campaign eventually reached 15b press impressions.


Audience Engagement
Media Consulting

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Melissa Mills

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Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment

Legendary author, lawyer, and cultural critic Linda Hirshman charged Grey Horse with promoting her book, the first history book about the #MeToo movement.

Plan C

In a post-Dobbs world, empowering a digital campaign to keep women informed about options for their reproductive rights.

Charleston: Waste, Water, and the Coming Storm

Building a social media campaign for an academic author’s book exploring urgent public policy.