Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment

Legendary author, lawyer, and cultural critic Linda Hirshman charged Grey Horse with promoting her book, the first history book about the #MeToo movement.


The first history book about the #MeToo movement, Linda Hishman’s Reckoning, needed a publicity push to match its groundbreaking content.


Build upon a book’s branding to create memorable merchandise that people can take home from events.


Grey Horse celebrated the #reckoning through a PR, digital, and social campaign, pitching Linda for high-profile events at major bookstores and venues, and designing a website as well as swag like graphic buttons to hand out to the crowd. With these events driving the buzz, the book received acclaim from publications like The New York Times to Kirkus Reviews.


Audience Engagement
Book Launch
Content Production
Digital Strategy
Public Relations
Web Development

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This is why you know the word conservatorship.